Wednesday, September 24, 2008


We went to court yesterday to finalize Caleb & Baylee's adoption. And there were no law changes, no natural disasters, the judge wasn't sick or anything. So as of yesterday afternoon, they are legally ours now. And Caleb is not even 2 yet (because that is the statuatory maximum that a child can be in a pre-adoptive placement). Maybe BluePlus will even send me Caleb's insurance card now...I dare to dream.
(They wouldn't send me one for he last 23 months because, "I was not his legal guardian".

There was a trial going on yesterday, too, though, so I felt a little more rushed than when we had Amata's hearing. So, we didn't spend much time trying to get a really great picture...everybody was looking in the general direction of the camera, so we kept it. (Please pay no attention to the boys' attire, I did make them put on nicer shirts, but since they were at school all day it's kind of hard to make them dress up more than that.)

That was actually the second take. Baylee was very interested in the judge on the first take.

We went out for pizza at Godfather's afterwards to celebrate before we went home. I'm just wondering, is it a bad omen that Baylee threw up as soon as we got home? Once literally on our way into the house, and then again on the brand new, less than 2 weeks old couch.


Julie B said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so hapy they are legaly yours. You have waited a long time :)

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! So happy to hear it all went off smoothly and they are really legally yours now!