Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Early Mornings

For some reason, Caleb has begun waking up around 3 AM several times in the last few weeks. And sometimes, he seems to think that he wants to stay up when that happens. However, when you wake up at 3 AM, this is what you look like by 6 AM...

I won't even mention what mom or dad look like by then, since we don't have the option to sleep all day! I love him, but he really needs to learn what the appropriate time to wake up is...during the week he is welcome to be up around 7, and 9 would be better on the weekends!


Julie B said...

Ohhh! But do you see how cute he looks :)

Anonymous said...

aww! that is too cute! But yeah, I agree with the early rising thing- Raegan likes to get up early too. Luckily she stays in the pack-n-play until we are ready to get up.