Thursday, July 17, 2008

R&R Begins

Given our family dynamics at this time, we did not really make any big plans for our vacation. With 3 of our children ages 3 or under, that would just be crazy! The oddest part about this vacation was probably that Caleb & Baylee were not sick; they took care of that the week before.

Our vacation got off to a pretty lazy start. We were going to my mom's for our family picnic the day after the 4th, and she had other plans on the 4th, so there was no rush. And our family is not necessarily what you would call morning people.

We stopped for lunch and also stopped along the way to see Jared, our last foster child who is currently in a group home. And once we got to my hometown, we had to stop and get the groceries to make what I was bringing to the picnic.

Chris & I were not overly excited to drive out to watch the fireworks, so luckily my sisters volunteered to take the boys with them. They didn't take Amata, though, because they thought it would get too late for her...little did they know she would be waiting up for them to return!

Hopefully I won't overload your computer by sharing with you ALL of the pictures I took while at my moms....

...oh, wait, I forgot to take any pictures at my mom's! I had the camera with, but I guess you actually have to take it out if you want pictures.

The picnic is an annual event for my mom's side of the family. It is always nice to chat with my cousins & aunts & uncles. Of course, it gets harder and harder for everybody to make it every year, but we still had a good turn out. And the kids had a blast playing with everybody. (Baylee also enjoyed all of the attention she got as the youngest child there.)

After the picnic we just hung out at my moms. We had planned to leave the following day & stop in the Cities at the Zoo and the Mall of America, but the more we thought about it, that didn't sound like much fun on the Sunday of a holiday weekend, so we stayed an extra day at my mom's. It was nice to be able to just relax & hang out there. We played some ladder golf & watched a movie.

We left for the Cities on Monday morning. (Unfortunately, when we are traveling, Baylee & Caleb sometimes forget that our family is not what you would call morning people, which made for some pretty early days!)

1 comment:

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

I love vacations with no plans, just resting and doing as you please. Life is always so busy!