This was Caleb's very first day of school, ever. And, actually, he is the youngest person in his class. Normally, they don't get to have their Early Family Special Education classes at the school until they turn three. But, since Caleb's birthday was only a month & a half after the school year started, they decided he could start early so he didn't have to make a chance after the year started. He gets to go three mornings a week. We weren't sure how he would do at school, since he tends to have a tad bit of stranger anxiety (which is putting it mildly). Obviously, we underestimated the thrill of getting to ride the school bus when you are 3! (Town kids don't bussed around here, which makes it even cooler to have the bus pick you up.)
The bus was a little late, so he got anxious & decided to wait outside.
Amata gets to go to ECSE 3 afternoons a week & regular preschool 2 days a week. It just worked out that her first day of school was the day after Caleb's. She wasn't thrilled about that, but Nana & Great Grandma were able to be here for Amata's first day, so that made it a little better.
Too bad their excitement for school will fizzle out within the next few years. We'll just have to enjoy it while it lasts!