Yesterday was Caleb's 2nd birthday. Initially his c-section was scheduled for today, Halloween, which would have been even worse, so I'm glad it ended up being moved up a day! As it was, we had daycare until 5:15, and Cameron had a band concert that he had to be at by 6:40 which lasted until 8:45. So, we had to postpone heading to Happy Joe's for bad pizza & fun games. Hopefully we can find a night next week to go.
He & Amata enjoyed his birthday donuts once they got up. (Tyler & Cameron weren't able to partake, since the birthday donuts were purchased after the were dropped off at school...oops).
We didn't do much during daycare for his birthday, mostly because I wasn't prepared enough to have gotten some birthday treats before hand, and also because cupcakes with frosting are just not a favorite of mine to give to the daycare kids...way too messy!
As soon as the last daycare kids was out the door (okay, so maybe we started a tad before they left), we dined on some yummy PB&J and Cheetos. Seriously, if Caleb was able to say, or sign, those exact words, I have no doubt that is what he would have asked for. As it went, Chris asked him if he wanted some PB&J and chips and Caleb shook his head yes and had a big smile on his face.
We also managed to squeeze in opening the gifts before we had to leave. He started off strong, opening his new games for the Nintendo DS from Auntie Meggie and a Twins basketball set.
But then he decided to open his gift from Nana next, a foam bat & ball (apparently, Nana was a little nervous playing catch with him using a real baseball). He decided he'd had enough gift opening & wanted to play with that. After a little convincing, he finally decided he would finish.
He liked his new "Cars" chair, deciding to sit there while opening the rest of the gifts. He got his very own Twins sweatsuit from Auntie Marnee (actually she gave him 2). He decided to wear that to Cameron's band concert - which was fine considering he had lost the pants he was supposed to have been wearing way before lunch. And he finished with a Fisher Price Animal Train & Diego game.
We did let the kids stay up to enjoy cake & ice cream after the concert...except for Baylee, she just couldn't make it!
Tyler is always such a camera hog!